Attorney General Dave Sunday took the oath of office Tuesday, promising to protect and serve all Pennsylvanians, regardless of their background, as he officially becomes the state’s top law enforcement official.
“My philosophy is based on two words: responsibility and redemption,” Sunday said.
“We absolutely must hold criminals accountable,” Sunday added. “At the same time, we must embrace the redemption of those who have been held accountable and seek to improve their lives.”
Sunday, who had served as York County District Attorney since 2018, defeated Democrat Eugene DePasqualeformer two-term state auditor general to an open race for state attorney general in November. The last time a Republican won a race for state attorney general was Tom Corbett 2008 over Democrat John Morganelli.
While his campaignSunday often praised the work his York County office did to combat crime. He wants to take this approach to a statewide office.
“I’m going to do everything I can to emulate the kind of work we’ve done, bringing everyone to the table and looking for the most positive outcomes possible,” Sunday said.
He highlighted his journey since his high school graduation, which took place in the same room where the swearing-in took place, Forum Auditoriumin the 1990s, serving in the Navy, working at UPS and serving as a prosecutor in York County.
“The band concept has been a constant in my life,” he said. “The best results I have ever seen were achieved through a spirit of cooperation and teamwork.”
He said citizens have the “absolute right” to demand safety and added that it is also his office’s responsibility to focus on the root causes of crime, including access to mental health and combating the opioid epidemic. Noting that 95% of incarcerated people reenter society, Sunday said there is “power” in employment and pointed to specific bipartisan efforts such as The law of pure slate it was endorsed by then-GOP state senator Scott Wagner and signed by then-Gov. Tomek Wilk in 2018
Sunday also said he would support victims of human trafficking and ensure care for the state’s aging population.
Before taking the oath of office, a pair of former Pennsylvania attorneys general and governors, Josh Shapiro and Corbett, offered words of encouragement and advice Sunday.
Shapiro, even though he supported fellow Democrat DePasquale during the campaign, said it was an honor to be at Sunday’s call and said the two worked together when he was attorney general from 2017 to 2023 and Sunday was district attorney in York County . In his Tuesday speech, Shapiro called himself a “longtime admirer” of Sunday.
“Pennsylvania needs someone like Dave who is rooted in integrity and something deeper than just the politics of the moment. It’s Dave’s Sunday.” Shapiro said. “That is why I am confident that Attorney General Sunday will take the baton from those who came before him and carry it forward, continuing to make progress.”
Corbett said Sunday took over as attorney general at a “very unusual time in our history.”
“I think this is a very uncertain time, politically,” Corbett said. “I would urge you to get away from politics as much as possible.”
Corbett concluded his speech with mighty advice for Sunday.
“Do the right thing.”
Garrity and DeFoor were sworn in for a second term
On Tuesday afternoon, Treasurer Stacy Garrity and Auditor General Tim DeFoor were also sworn in for second terms.
Garrity, a combat veteran and businesswoman, won a second term by defeating Democratic challenger Erin McClelland and gaining more votes than any other candidate for office in Pennsylvania history in November. In 2020, she defeated incumbent Treasurer Joe Torsella, a Democrat, by a widely accepted result perceived as nervousness.
“The position of treasurer may seem like a job defined by interest rates and algorithms, but it has a uniquely human side,” Garrity said. “We help Pennsylvanians save for education and disability-related expenses. We give people back access to money they forgot about or didn’t know existed. We are returning valuable military medals to great veterans who deserve them, or to their families who have sacrificed so much for our country.”
DeFoor secured a second term in November by defeating Democratic state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta of Philadelphia. DeFoor, who was Dauphin County Comptroller, was first elected to the office of auditor general in 2020, defeating Democrat Nina Ahmad in the race for the open seat, making history by becoming the first person of color to win statewide office in Pennsylvania .
“This day was historic not only for me, but for all Pennsylvanians,” DeFoor said. “As the first person of color elected to statewide office in Pennsylvania, I understand that I am here because of those who paved the way for me…those who fought for my freedoms and fought to ensure that my freedoms were preserved. ”
DeFoor added that “I owe them a tremendous debt. A debt that I can only repay by living in a way that honors them.”
DeFoor said he would be a leader “who draws conclusions based on facts, not politics, and serves Pennsylvanians by making government better, not tearing it down.”

Garrity and those who spoke before her, including Hugh Allen, her chief of staff, who also served under Torsella, highlighted her office’s wide range of activities on behalf of taxpayers, including the return of unclaimed property and the return of medals to military veterans. Jeff Bartos, a former GOP candidate for lieutenant governor, praised Garrity for her office’s investments in Israeli bonds days after the October 7 Hamas attack.
Garrity, a Bradford County resident, is the first person from rural Pennsylvania elected to statewide office in more than 40 years. He also spoke about the importance farmers play in the state’s economy.
DeFoor thanked his “staff of fantastic guards” and said his office had conducted audits that showed ways prevent fraud in the state lottery systemchange the way the department audits schools to ensure the proper apply of taxpayer dollars, and produce a report on how to do so Pharmacy benefits managers cost taxpayers money. He also emphasized the importance awareness of financial knowledgesaying that he wants it to be taught in every school starting in kindergarten.
Shapiro called Garrity “mission-driven … whether it was serving our nation in the military or serving as treasurer, where she worked to put money back into people’s pockets.”
Shapiro said DeFoor is a “serious public servant” who is a “thoughtful, thoughtful and serious leader regardless of his position.”
Shapiro on cooperation with rank-and-file officers
Following Sunday’s victory and re-election of DeFoor and Garrity, Republicans now hold three primary offices in Pennsylvania.
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Shapiro said that “we all have a really good working relationship” and “I expect that to continue.”
According to Related pressfor the first time, three-ranking state offices will be occupied by Republicans at the same time. Shapiro, who is the only governor in the country to work with a full-time, divided Legislature, said he has received and maintains bipartisan support because of his focus on common sense efforts – safety, schools, economic opportunity, regardless of ZIP code , focusing on freedom and freedom.
“I intend to continue to work with both Republicans and Democrats to use common sense,” Shapiro told reporters.
During Shapiro’s time leading the attorney general’s office, sued the Trump administration dozens of times.
Asked by reporters on Tuesday how Sunday, as a Republican, should challenge Trump, he said it was up to him.
“General Sunday will run his office as he sees fit and will engage in litigation that he believes is worth engaging in,” Shapiro told reporters. “I’m not going to outdo him or speak on his behalf.”
Capital-Star reporter Ian Karbal contributed.