PA-17 Advertising Observation

The first TV ads of the season are now available in Pennsylvania’s 17th congressional district.

Newcomer, Incumbent Democrat Chris Deluzio stands opposite the Republican Party candidate The Lecherous. Rob Mercury in a race that Republicans hope to turn around and extend their advantage in Washington.

Deluzio won the congressional election by a margin of 27,000 votes (53–47%), defeating the Republicans Jeremy Shaffer in 2022.

Deluzio’s campaign made the six-figure purchase, which focuses on his work to improve rail safety following the February 2023 Norfolk Southern train derailment that disrupted many of his constituents in Beaver County.


“When a train carrying toxic substances derailed in Eastern Palestine, those toxins leaked into the air and water of western Pennsylvania.

I’m Chris Deluzio. Disasters like this happen when corporations put their profits before the safety of our families. That’s why I led the Rail Safety Act in Congress, working with Democrats and Republicans to hold them accountable.

Chris is doing the work. Just being there, being aware, being attentive… it means so much to all the families and to my family.

My name is Chris Deluzio and I support this message.”

Mercuri’s campaign also has invested six figures in digital, OTT/CTV, broadcast and cable. It highlights how Washington can do more to improve the lives of Western Pennsylvanians and why we must do better as a country.


Well, those were the debates. I thought, is this what our children will think America can be?

I never shied away from service, whether it was at West Point or two tours in Iraq. I started a business, I gave back to the community that raised me.

Washington can do more to cut costs, protect our families, and secure our future. We can do better, but we must be better.

Leading us forward, Rob Mercuri to Congress. I am Rob Mercuri and I support this message.”

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