☀️ It’s the beginning of the holiday week. Here. We. To go.
Weather in Pennsylvania
😎 Monessen | Sunny, 87
☀️Lewistown | Mostly clear, 82
☀️ Carbondale | Mostly clear, 82
Sports PA
⚾ Phillies (34-14) | Washington 11-5 | Tuesday-Thursday vs. Texas
⚾ Pirates (22-26) | Chicago Cubs 3-2 | Tuesday-Thursday vs. San Francisco
⚽ Union (4-5-4) | New England 3-0 | Sat vs. Charlotte
👂 What we hear. announcer Mike Johnson is in the Commonwealth today, headlining the breakfast show for the Republican Party’s candidate for Congress Rob Bresnahan at a private residence in Luzerne County before traveling to Philadelphia for a fundraiser Representative Brian Fitzpatrick.
🎂 Happy birthday. Cake and candles for Rep. Barbara Gleim.
🎸 Everyday Bruce. “The road is dark and it is a thin, thin line. But I want you to know that I will get through this for you at any time. – Tougher than the rest
🗞️ Pennsylvania. The ultimate swing state. Where can you find the latest information about what’s going on in Keystone State politics? Sign up for the PoliticsPA Guide. We’ll deliver all the latest headlines in an easy-to-read format every weekday at 8am. And it’s free. Add your name to the list and sign up now.
The best story
1. Thompson introduces $1.5 trillion farm bill
“Home Farming Chair Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-15) introduced a long-awaited farm bill Friday morning that significantly improves farm safety net programs but sets the stage for a battle between Republicans and Democrats to get the bill across the finish line.
The bill, delayed since last year, includes several bipartisan measures, such as restoring SNAP eligibility to people convicted of drug crimes, Republican committee staffers told reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
The package costs $1.5 trillion and kicks off a partisan debate over food and agriculture policy. (PolitykaPA)
Vice President Harris arrives in Philadelphia to speak at the SEIU convention. “Vice President Kamala Harris will return to Philadelphia on Tuesday to deliver the keynote address at the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) convention, the White House announced Saturday.” (Penn Capital Star)
Why Biden and Trump left the Commission on Presidential Debates. “Now people really should stop being surprised when the “norm” is destroyed. The strangest reaction to the bipartisan CPD job was the idea that Joe Biden, who sought to restore the venerable, peaceful order, had just upended American tradition. This tradition began in 1987; “is younger than ‘The Legend of Zelda’ video game series and is enjoyed by fewer people.” (Traffic lights)
FBI investigation into Rep. Perry’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election could dash his committee’s hopes. “U.S. Rep. Scott Perry’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election are coming back to haunt him as some House Republicans lobby to keep him off a key committee, Politico.com reports.” (PennLive)
2. With AP desperate for more kindergarten teachers, Shapiro’s budget proposal offers some hope
“The reality of early school education looks completely different than before.
A historic staffing crisis is causing classrooms and entire programs across the state to reduce capacity or close, leaving working families without access to critical early learning programs. Less than half of eligible children in Pennsylvania participate in a high-quality preschool program.
But early childhood service providers and advocates are hopeful that some relief will come. Governor Josh Shapiro asked the General Assembly to invest in programs that make preschool more accessible to low-income families and an initiative to attract and retain teachers.” (Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper)
AP Voter Front and Center chief at a Law Day event in Berks County. “Because 2024 is quite an important year for elections — a presidential rematch is already starting to gain momentum — the U.S. Bar Association has chosen this as the focus of this year’s National Law Day.” (Reading the Eagle)
Pennsylvania lags in electing women to political office. “In a state where half of the 12.9 million people are women, imbalances still exist – for example, 68% of positions in the legislature are held by men. For some candidates – and voters – this is not a focal point.” (Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper)
PA unemployment rate remains unchanged in April. “Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate was unchanged over the month and stood at 3.4% in April. This was the seventh month in a row with an interest rate of 3.4%. The U.S. unemployment rate increased by one-tenth of a percentage point from the March rate to 3.9%. (PoliticsPA)
Listening session: Students express concerns about this election cycle. “WITF’s Ben Wasserstein met with six Millersville University students on April 29 to discuss their hopes and concerns.” (WITF)
Around the Republic of Poland
3. A Pennsylvania school district’s decision to cut a song from a student concert raises concerns
“A Pennsylvania school district’s decision to remove a song from a recent student choir concert divided the community and prompted a review by a civil rights group.
“Lift Every Voice And Sing,” a behind schedule 19th century anthem sometimes called the Black national anthem, was one of several songs the Spring Cove High School choir was scheduled to perform during its May 7 performance. The Altoona Mirror reported that district officials cut the song the day before the concert, saying students expressed concerns about the song and “division and controversy in the nation.” (AP)
Commissioners take responsibility for breaking sunlight law; Controller no. “Three Mercer County commissioners voted against ratifying special pay for two senior comptroller employees and instead the two Republican commissioners said they would pay that amount — nearly $6,000 — personally.” (CNHI News)
Smith falls miniature of baseline enrollment efforts in the 22nd District. “Counties recently certified the results of the April 23 primary election, and one issue in the Lehigh County House of Representatives race has been resolved.” (Lehigh Valley Chair)
4. What do you mean
- Older Pennsylvanians are the most critical voting bloc this year. (Bill Johnston-Walsh)
- Are you afraid that America will lose its democracy? Texas is no more. (Will Bunch)
- America’s struggles with church attendance date back to the 1960s. (John A. Tures)
- Governor George was an example of ethical and moral leadership: we should not settle for the president. (Marek S. Singel)
- Hold the phone. (Beth Ann Rosica)
- Put women in rooms where it happens. (Brooke D. Anderson)
- State lawmakers must provide adequate funding for public schools. (Martin J. Hudacs)
1 item
5. The most misunderstood emoji
“We found that eight out of 10 Americans were surprised by the use of emojis new report by the language education platform Preply.
Why is it important?: Emoji have become a tool for quick and visual communication, but different cultural and generational uses continue to create barriers to communication.
Message management: Conducted an initial survey of 2,201 Americans from February 1-29, 2024, to better understand how people interpret different emojis.
According to the report, the most misleading emoji is 💅.”
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