Much has been said about Pennsylvania Dream. John Fetterman and his overtures to the incoming administration Donald Trump.
This did not escape the attention of the Democratic strategist James Carville.
During his “Politics War Room” podcast, the Louisianan, who was the chief strategist for… Bill Clinton ran to the White House and answered a listener’s question about whether Fetterman was stepping into his ex’s shoes Sense. JoeManchin (DW.Va.) or Christmas Cinema (I-Ariza) during the last Congress.
“(Fetterman) told me to shut up,” Carville said, “and then I felt a little offended by it. I’m not offended anymore. “I honestly think this guy has had a serious health issue in his life and I think he just wants his name in the paper,” Carville said.
Fetterman suffered a stroke on the campaign trail in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in May 2022, and checked into Walter Reed Medical Center in January 2023 for depression.
“And you know, he was the most progressive person,” he continued. “He was Bernie’s brother, then he was this, and now he wants to meet Trump. And he’s fighting me, he’s fighting the governor.
“I have no idea what his current health status is, but I think he said, ‘I’m going to do everything I can to get as much publicity as possible and I’m going to pursue this case as hard as I can until the end. my term in 2026.” That’s what I think,” Carville added on Thursday. “I think the thing about this guy is that he’s just desperate for attention.”
Co-host Al Hunt corrected Carville, reminding him that Fetterman’s term actually expires in 2028.
“It’s very occasional for his vote to be decisive,” Hunt added. “But he’s going to give Republicans the impression of bipartisanship on some issues and he’s just going to be…he’s going to be a nuisance.”
“I think if his name appears in the papers or the news, that will be his short-term, immediate and long-term goal,” Carville concluded.
This isn’t the first time Carville and Fetterman have clashed.
In December 2023, Fetterman shot Carville after being warned by a strategist President Joe Biden may lose to Trump in the 2024 election.
“There is a lifetime in politics between now and November next year. I’m not worried about it,” Fetterman said interview with POLITICO. “I am also very vocal about this, even though some Democrats are very critical of the president. …I’ll use it [as] another opportunity to tell James Carville to shut the hell up. Like I said, my man hasn’t been important to me since grunge came out. And I don’t know why he thinks it’s useful to say these kinds of things about an extremely difficult situation when you have an incredibly strong, decent and excellent president. I will never understand this.”
Last August Carville warned Fetterman would take action against him for allegedly undermining the position of governor of his state, Josh Shapirolobbying against him Vice President Kamala Harris” running friend.
“Whether John Fetterman is one of the biggest backstabbers in modern Democratic politics is another matter, but I’m going to wait until the election to deal with him. But this is someone that needs to be dealt with in a real way,” Carville said.