President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is launching an initiative to reach out to older voters in Pennsylvania as presidential candidates try to court this huge segment of the state’s electorate.
Seniors for Biden-Harris events are scheduled for next week in three Pennsylvania cities; in Lancaster, Scranton and Philadelphia, where the campaign will highlight Biden administration policies that have benefited seniors, such as: lowering the cost of prescription drugscovering Insulin prices for seniors are $35AND pushes for Social Security and Medicare.
During his State of the Union address on March 7, Biden said he would try to prevent any efforts to restrict entitlement programs. “If anyone here tries to cut Social Security or Medicare or raise the retirement age, I will stop them,” he said.
Seniors representing Biden Harris will also focus on what presumptive Republican Party nominee Donald Trump has said about what he would do if re-elected.
For example, Trump said during March 11 interview on CNBC’s Squawk Box showed that “a lot can be done on entitlements, slashing, and entitlement theft and mismanagement” when asked how he would approach Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
Earlier in the 2024 campaign. Trump has renewed his calls to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacaresaying that Republicans should “never give up” in an attempt to overturn the 2010 health care act and I’m calling “catastrophe”. Trump said later in April video entry “did not seek dissolution” of the ACA.
The senior vote is one that presidential candidates must win in Pennsylvania, a state that is home to one of… the largest population of seniors among the battlefields of 2024. Bloomberg reported The Biden campaign has courted older voters by holding bingo games in key states and running television ads during programs that draw gigantic audiences of older viewers, such as The Price is Right.
March Quinnipiac University Poll showed Biden leading Trump 53% to 45% among Americans 65 and older. However, among voters aged 50 to 64, Trump overtook Biden, 54% to 41%.
May 7 AARP of Pennsylvania The election poll found that 80% of voters aged 50 and over ranked the candidate’s position on Social Security as most vital, followed by Medicare (73%) and helping people stay in their homes as they age (69%). and the cost of prescription drugs (67%).
The candidates, both seniors, will meet for the first of three debates on June 27.
Biden defeated Trump in Pennsylvania in 2020 by just over 80,000 votes.