US State Representative Mike Kelly on ‘Medicare for All’: ‘It’s a scary place we’re going to’

WASHINGTON — Two Pennsylvania lawmakers embody the deep division in the U.S. Congress over health care policy.

On one side: Rep. Brendan Boyle, a second-term Democrat representing the 2nd District in Northeast Philadelphia. He supports “Medicare for All” legislation and accuses the GOP of using “scare tactics” to try to dominate Democrats on health care.

On the other side: Republican Mike Kelly, a fifth-term Republican whose 16th District covers a huge swath of western Pennsylvania. He believes Democrats’ health care policy is being unduly influenced by the scorching 2020 election cycle and warns the party is entering a “scary place” with its Medicare for All proposals.

Pennsylvania’s troops were prominently perceptible Wednesday during a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on Congress’ efforts to provide universal health care.

Boyle said Republicans are using “literally the same rhetoric” to criticize Democratic health care policies that they used nearly a decade ago when the Affordable Care Act was being debated.

“Socialism, government takeover of health care. At least in this hearing they didn’t get to the death panel, but that was one of the other wordings,” Boyle said.

The rhetoric was therefore not fresh, he added, calling criticism of the Affordable Care Act a “heating of the themes” expressed by Republican opposition to Medicare in the 1960s. “So I guess this sense of progress comes from the concern of some of our friends to save the Medicare program, a program that they fought so hard against a half-century ago,” he said.

Some Republicans opposed Medicare for All, including President Donald TrumpThey claim it will harm the existing Medicare program for seniors. A Washington Post fact-checker called the claim “scary scenario” when it was formulated by Trump in an op-ed.

Boyle is one of four Pennsylvania Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives co-sponsoring Medicare for All legislationwhich would expand access to the government insurance program that currently covers Americans over the age of 65. The others are Reps. Matt Cartwright of the 8th District; Mike Doyle of the 18th District; and Susan Wild of the 7th District.

Boyle praised the Affordable Care Act for reducing the number of uninsured Americans, but said “obviously we still have progress to make.”

In 2018, 28.9 million Americans lacked health insurance, an boost of 1.4 million from 2016, Vox reportedciting data from the Congressional Budget Office.

On Wednesday, lawmakers heard testimony from Rebecca Wood, a Massachusetts mother whose daughter was born prematurely — weighing just one pound, 12 ounces — because of Wood’s severe preeclampsia. Her child’s health complications left Wood having to choose between her daughter’s therapy and her own asthma medications.

“Such choices are really not impossible. I choose to pay for her care and do without mine,” Wood said, calling on Congress to recognize health care as a human right.

Rep. Richard Neal, R-Mass., chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, sharply criticized House Republicans for their repeated attempts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, instead offering what he called “half-baked proposals that won’t bring down costs.” nor will they boost their scope.” Neal stressed that he is interested in exploring a range of health care policy ideas, including a public option and a Medicaid “buyout.”

Kelly defended the Republican position on health policy.

“I don’t think there’s anyone on this podium today who doesn’t want Americans to have health care,” he said. “But I think the real question is: Is it just about health care or is it about quality health care? Do we give people the choice of what they want?”

Kelly argued that Medicare for All meant “quality care for no one.” He added: “It’s a scary place we’re going to.” He was then interrupted by a protester in the hearing room, to which he replied, “It actually brings out the best and sometimes the worst in people.”

Kelly has been a vocal critic of the Affordable Care Act. On his congressional website, he praises his efforts to “repeal and overturn this disastrous law.”

A Republican congressman said Wednesday that the 2020 presidential campaign has further polarized the already contentious health care debate.

“We can work together to do this as long as we talk about politics, not politics,” Kelly said. “There is a chance to do great things. “Unfortunately, we’re in an election cycle right now, especially in the first cycle, that doesn’t allow us to do the things that we know are good for America.”

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