🇺🇲 Good morning America. Long night, but we have a winner.
Weather in Pennsylvania
🌂Pittsburgh | Cloudy, rain possible, 71
🌤️Harriburg | Mostly shining, 79
☀️ Philadelphia | Mostly shining, 79
Sports PA
🏀 Sixes (1-5) | Wednesday vs. LA Clippers
🏒 Penguins (5-7-2) | New York Islanders 3-4/SO | Thu vs. Karolina
🏒 Flyers (4-8-1) | Karolina 4-6 | Thu vs. Tampa Bay
❓Did you know? If the results are exact, it will be the first time since Pennsylvania’s attorney general was elected in 1980 that Republicans have held every statewide office – president, U.S. Senate, attorney general, auditor general and treasurer.
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The most vital story
1. Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania and the White House in a stunning political comeback
“Donald J. Trump was elected the 47th president of the United States, elevating one of the most polarizing political figures in modern political history back to the Oval Office.
Trump’s election follows his unprecedented criminal conviction in a New York secret money trial and his survival of an assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump, the only president to be impeached twice, will return to office just four years after a mob of his supporters attacked the Capitol.
The former – and future – president was seen as the winner in Pennsylvania and across the country, surpassing the 270 Electoral College votes needed to defeat Vice President Kamala Harris “After a campaign in which Trump criticized the ‘enemy from within,’ he pardoned the January 6 rioters and promised to carry out mass deportations.” (Questioner from Philadelphia)
Live election updates: Donald Trump wins US presidency. “Donald Trump has been elected the 47th president of the United States, marking a remarkable comeback for a former president who defied defeat four years ago, incited a violent insurrection at the Capitol, was convicted of crimes and survived two assassination attempts. ”(AP)
Pennsylvania’s Democratic celebration turns into devastation. “In Bucks County, Democrats expected to do better in 2020 than Joe Biden’s margin. Instead, they are on track to lose the county for the first time since 1988.” (known)
The 2024 elections buried Barack Obama’s coalition. “The apparent result represents a failure of the strategy that almost all Democrats adopted after the 2016 election: enacting populist policies on jobs, taxes and health care that they believed could win back Obama and Trump voters and stave off further losses with non-white voters . ”(Traffic lights)
2. Controversial US Senate race in Pennsylvania between Bob Casey and David McCormick Too Close to Call
“After more than a year of campaign shutdowns and a growing stream of advertising, Pennsylvania voters will have to wait a little longer for the results of the key U.S. Senate race between three-term Democrat Senator Bob Casey and former Republican hedge fund CEO David McCormick.
“Local election officials continue to tally ballots in a controversial race that was thought to be crucial to which party would control the Senate, but Republicans reversed that decision earlier in the night.” (Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper)
Ryan Mackenzie is unseating Rep. Susan Wild in the Lehigh Valley congressional race. “Republican Ryan Mackenzie claimed victory Wednesday morning in the Lehigh Valley battleground congressional district, flipping one of the most coveted House seats in the country.” (LehighValleyNews.com)
Bresnahan wins over Cartwright in the 8th District congressional race. “Republican challenger Rob Bresnahan claims victory in his bid to unseat U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright in his 8th Congressional District contest.” (WVIA)
- Fitzpatrick predicted the winner in PA-01 when Ehasz failed in his second attempt to dethrone him. (Penn Capital Star)
- Perry the apparent winner over Stelson in a back-and-forth congressional race. (PennLive)
- Deluzio defeats Republican challenger Rob Mercuri and wins the PA-17 congressional race. (Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper)
Central Pennsylvania election results. “Here you can find results from across Pennsylvania for races for president, U.S. Senate, attorney general, auditor general, state treasurer, and House and Senate contests.” (PoliticsPA)
Around the Republic of Poland
3. Sunday wins AP attorney general race as GOP sweeps state offices
“Dave’s SundayA Republican district attorney from York County won the race to become Pennsylvania’s next attorney general, defeating Democrats Eugene DePasquale to facilitate Republicans canvass statehouses.
Mr Sunday won 51% of the vote, with 92% of the votes counted as of 6am on Wednesday. He is the first Republican to win election to the office since then Tomek Corbet in 2008.” (Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper)
Voters return Garrity to the State Treasurer’s Office for a second term. “Incumbent Republican state treasurer Stacy Garrity could get another four years to serve as custodian of state money.” (PennLive)
DeFoor appears poised for a second term as PA’s fiscal watchdog. “Incumbent Republican Timothy DeFoor appears to have fended off a challenge from Democratic state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta to seek a second four-year term as Pennsylvania’s auditor general in Tuesday’s election.” (PennLive)
- Republicans are on track to take back the Northeast Philadelphia Senate seat and maintain their majority. (Questioner from Philadelphia)
- Central Pennsylvanians are voting to send a number of officials back to the House and Senate. (PennLive)
- Democrats will soon learn whether the AP chamber will remain under their control or swing toward Republicans. (Questioner from Philadelphia)
- Bucks County voters will give advantage to incumbents in 2024 elections; Trump takes the bucks. (Bucks County Courier Times)
‘Historical moment:’ Lancaster City adopts Home Rule Charter to form fresh government. “Lacaster is officially a home rule city after voters on Tuesday approved a charter that will create a new form of government and give officials more taxing power.” (LNP)
Cambria County officials: ‘They are using all available manpower to make sure every vote is counted’ after system crash. “Cambria County officials assured voters Tuesday that while Election Day began with voting systems malfunctioning, steps have been taken to ensure security in every precinct and the election will remain safe and fair.” (Johnstown Tribune-Democrat)
4. What do you mean
- Trump wins the election and gets a second chance. (Wall Street Journal)
- Trump offered men something Democrats never could. (Elżbieta Spier)
- Republican Party officials in Lancaster County remain shamefully mute as Trump misleads and contemplates shooting journalists. (LNP)
- AP should facilitate out-of-state students become in-state employees. (Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper)
1 item
5. Back to the future
First Democrat elected after the Civil War in 1885, our 22nd and 24th presidents Grover Cleveland was the only other president to leave the White House and return for a second term four years later (1885-1889 and 1893-1897).
He won the popular vote in 1888, but was a Republican Benjamin Harrison won the electoral college. Cleveland defeated Harrison in a rematch four years later.