Mehmet Oz, the Republican Party’s candidate for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania, discussed his political plans at the annual dinner on Monday, while Democratic candidate John Fetterman sat down, leaving room for the famed doctor to continue “soft on crime“accusations against the opponent.
Oz – facing questions about crime, abortion access, jobs across the aisle, energy and the environment – shared his plans for Pennsylvania if elected to the U.S. Senate in the November 8 general election during the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry collapse luncheon at Hershey .
Originally scheduled as a debate, the event was rescheduled when Fetterman declined to participate.
Attorney General Josh Shapiro, the Democratic candidate for governor, also outlined his plans for Pennsylvania at a forum moderated by state House CEO Luke Bernstein after the GOP candidate for governor, Sen. Doug Mastriano, chose not to attend.
Oz, who has he speculated for months about Fetterman’s suitability for service since suffering a stroke in May, he has not focused on his opponent’s health. Instead, he focused on accusations made by his own campaign and Republican allies that Fetterman prioritized freeing as many people with convictions as possible over community safety and avoided debates to avoid defending what the Oz campaign calls “radical policies.”
The US Senate candidates from the Republican and Democratic Parties have agreed to face each other in the first – i probably only — TV debate on October 25with Fetterman, who still has auditory processing issues, using a closed captioning system to avoid missing words.
Here’s what Oz had to say on the forum:
Access to abortion
Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided to overturn Roe v. Wade and give states the power to make reproductive health decisions, access to abortion has become cornerstone the 2022 midterm elections, including the high-profile U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania.
On Monday, when asked about his position on abortion, Oz said abortion decisions “should be left to the states.”
“I am pro-life. I have three exceptions: [the] mother’s life, rape and incest,” he said, adding that “local values and local government” should determine decisions regarding abortion policy.
Last questionnaire published by Franklin & Marshall College shows growing support among Pennsylvanians for keeping abortion legal in all or some circumstances.
Oz who defended Roe v. Wade in 2019has faced criticism over his stance on abortion.
The celebrity doctor told reporters in press conference in Philadelphia in September that he would not support criminal penalties for people seeking abortions or doctors performing abortions.
But a recording of a tele-town hall held a week before the May primary raised questions about Oz’s stance on abortion. In the recording it was first reported by The Daily BeastOz said, “Life begins at conception.”
He added in the video: “Killing a child, whether its heart is beating or not, is still murder.”
Crime and community safety
“Oz has repeatedly accused Fetterman, who chairs the state Board of Pardons, of wanting to free as many people with felony convictions as possible and bragging about granting more pardons.”than any administration in history” while the crime rate increases in Pennsylvania. The Oz campaign also launched an online campaign — “Prisoners for Fetterman” — to draw attention to people convicted of murder whose release Fetterman advocated for.
Asked Monday what Oz would ask Fetterman if he appeared on the forum, he replied: “Why does he seem to care more about criminals than the innocents who have suffered?”
In September, the Capital-Star asked the Oz campaign about its specific plan to fight crime and keep the community secure.
In an email, spokeswoman Brittany Yannick — who did not address specific policies Oz supports — cited support from Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police and Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police.
She said Oz would “ensure that our police officers have the resources they need to protect the Commonwealth, that our brave first responders are respected and properly trained, and that our streets and neighborhoods are safe for everyone.”
Yannick added that Oz will “crack down on cartels and fund rehab centers.” On his campaign website, Oz said he opposes “anti-rights” proposals such as “cashless bail.”
He also made the opioid epidemic a central part of his responses to questions, emphasizing: last visit to Philadelphia to discuss this issue and how to address it with community leaders.
“What they really need is a secure community. “It’s not fraught with drugs on every street corner and some economic viability,” Oz said of Philadelphia on Monday.
Fetterman, a staunch supporter of legalizing cannabis for adult operate, went further in 2015 when he told The Nation that “for decriminalization worldwide,” saying he viewed it “as a public health issue, not a criminal issue.”
Last month, The Philadelphia Inquirer. reported that Fetterman has changed his position on decriminalization, citing Joe Calvello, a campaign spokesman, who said the Democratic candidate “does not support decriminalizing all drugs – including heroin, methamphetamine and other hard drugs.”
The Oz campaign, which accused Fetterman of “rolling back” on drug decriminalization, highlighted a 2015 interview in which Fetterman was accused of wanting to decriminalize all drugs.
Energy, environment and economy
Oz, who supports fracking and has suggested building a liquid natural gas facility in southeastern Pennsylvania, called the Green New Deal a “dishonest narrative,” saying its timeline is unrealistic.
“It would create tremendous opportunity — tens of thousands of trade jobs and billions in taxable income,” Oz said of natural gas investments, specifically building a facility in the southeastern part of the state. “It would help put money in people’s pockets, which could help unite divided communities.”
He added: “These are issues that not only help us fight inflation. They help us ensure national security, build local communities and jobs, and when we don’t do it, it hurts us.”
Oz also promoted the export of Pennsylvania’s natural gas resources abroad to support sustainability efforts such as electric vehicles and solar panels.
Working across the aisle
If elected to the U.S. Senate, Oz will serve alongside Democratic Senator Bob Casey.
Oz said he expects to work with Casey to build fresh and improve existing infrastructure in Pennsylvania. Oz added that both he and Casey support the desire to protect same-sex marriage.
“There are places where we could agree, but there are also places where we will disagree,” Oz said. “But at least we should be able to discuss things and find a middle ground if there is one. And if that doesn’t happen, we’ll go our separate ways.”