McCormick, Lee Handel Barbs about the “True religion” of political law

Two members of the Pennsylvania delegation in Congress – Senator Dave McCormick AND Rep. Summer Lee – listed spikes about what Lee said is the “true religion” of political law

Lee, a democratic US representative from the 12th Congress District, which includes parts of Alleghena and Westmoreland, expressed her view on her personal relationship that “the true religion of the law is white supremacy and xenophobia.” She added that “none of their true values ​​come from the life and teachings of Christ of the Christian Bible.

McCormick, a newly published Republican Senator of the USA, who will live in the Squirrel Hill district in Pittsburgh, shot Congressmenka, using his personal account to cause Lee’s previous behavior.

Lee, a member of the team in Congress, which includes Repetitions. Rashid (D-Mic.) I. Alexandria Cortez (Dn.y.), he had the answer to the younger senator.

Lee was also critical President Donald Trump Last wave of executive orders.

“Orders of Trump orders of the sacrificial Black + Brown of the community, while its billionaire donors gain polluted air, overcrowded detention centers and prisons that create EOS. Immigrants are not the reason why the wages are low and high costs are billionaires. “

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