June 20: An extraordinary champion

😎 How are you, Thursday. Thank you for supporting the PoliticsPA Guide.

Weather in Pennsylvania
☀️ Waynesburg | Mostly sunlit, 93
☀️Towanda | Mostly sunlit, 92
☀️Jenkintown | Mostly sunlit, 93

Sports PA
⚾ Phillies (49-25) | San Diego 2-5 | Friday-Sunday vs. Arizona
⚾ Pirates (36-38) | Cincinnati 1-0 | Friday-Sunday vs. Tampa Bay
🏒 Hershey (1-2) | Thu at Coachella Valley
⚽ Union (4-8-6) | Cincinnati 3-4 | Sat vs. Charlotte

👂 What we hear. “If Democrats want to waste their money in a district that President Trump is willing to spend by a significant margin, then by all means.” – CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella.

📅 What’s happening today. It’s Thursday, which means the Supreme Court can issue opinions from 10:00.

🎂 Happy birthday. Cake and candles for Governor Josh Shapiro and they were Representative Phil English.

🗞️ Pennsylvania. The ultimate swing state. Where can you find the latest information on political events in the Keystone State? Sign up for the PoliticsPA Guide. We’ll deliver all the latest headlines in an easy-to-read format every weekday at 8am. And it’s free. Add your name to the list and sign up now.

The best story

1. The fight for abortion rights has an unexpected messenger: Senator Bob Casey

“Abortion rights, which have suddenly become a powerful political force in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to leave such issues to the states, have found an unexpected champion in the swing state of Pennsylvania.

Senator Bob Caseywhich will appear on the November ballot below President Joe Biden as both Democrats run for re-election, he began doing something he had never done before: attacking his opponent on abortion rights.

A senator who once called himself a “pro-life Democrat” is accusing a Republican challenger David McCormick in a new TV ad in which he expresses his desire to “make abortion illegal even in cases of rape and incest” – which McCormick says is wrong.” (AP)


Poll: Three-point difference in Biden-Trump duel since May. “President Biden leads in a hypothetical matchup with former President Trump for the first time since October as positive sentiment on the economy grows, according to a new Fox News nationwide survey, reaching its highest level so far during Biden’s presidency. ”(Fox News)

Biden persistently underperforms other Democrats. “Democrats are enthusiastic about trying to take the Senate and the House,” said Neil Oxman, a Pennsylvania Democratic strategist. And “they are not enthusiastic about Biden being re-elected,” Oxman said. “Period.” (Policy)

A firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for the military draft. “Senate Democrats added language to the annual defense authorization bill requiring women to register under the bill, sparking a backlash from Republicans and social conservatives and complicating the bill’s chances of advancing to the Senate before Election Day.” (Hill)

Senate GOP plans $100 million advertising blitz as it fights to take back the House. “NRSC raises first concerns Thursday about independent spending in four key states, but not Pennsylvania.” (Policy)


2. Democrats plan to spend substantial to flip Scott Perry’s race. GOP says he’s wasting money

Scott Perry and Janelle Stelson

“Influential Democratic campaign groups plan to spend big to defeat U.S. Representative Scott Perry and abolish the Democratic campaign Janelle Stelson, a former television journalist and former Republican, hoping to change a red district. Republicans, however, aren’t too concerned about the race.

House Majority PAC, a super PAC focused on electing Democrats to the U.S. House of Representatives, announced in April that it would spend $2.4 million on ads for Pennsylvania’s Stelson-Perry Central district as part of a $186 million purchase across the board. country, signaling a serious push to concentrate efforts on the district.” (Questioner from Philadelphia)


Swing state legislatures differ on election-year gun measures. “In Pennsylvania, lawmakers are still debating measures that would ban the sale of untraceable guns and gun parts, ban bump stockpiling and make some procedural changes related to gun purchases.” (Penn Capital Star)

RNC and Lara Trump recruit poll watchers in Pennsylvania: ‘We want an army’. “Lara Trump, daughter-in-law of former President Donald Trump, is touting the Republican National Committee’s efforts to recruit poll watchers, poll workers and legal experts in Pennsylvania, a swing state critical to the presidential election.” (Washington Examiner)

From the Legislature to Project HOME: Bullock will bring a “fighting spirit” to his new role as CEO. “Pennsylvania State Representative Donna Bullock has been named the new CEO of Project HOME and will take over day-to-day operations this summer.” (WHY)

Around the Republic of Poland

3. Rep. Kelly’s wife again bought stock in a company that benefited from his legislative efforts

Representative Mike Kelly

U.S. Representative Mike Kelly wife made a nearly identical stock purchase in March to the one that resulted in a 2021 ethics investigation into insider trading.

Victoria Kelly On March 28, he purchased up to $100,000 worth of inventory from steel manufacturer Cleveland-Cliffs. At the same time, the seven-term Republican congressman and other elected officials were pressing the U.S. Department of Energy to reconsider a proposed rule that would change the type of steel used to make electrical distribution transformers.” (Erie Times-News)


Casey remains noiseless on the fate of the Norcross donations. “U.S. Sen. Bob Casey has not yet said whether he will do anything to distance himself from thousands of donations received from New Jersey real estate tycoon George Norcross III, who was the target of thirteen indictments brought by his state’s attorney general earlier this year week shook up politics across the tri-state region.” (Wide + Freedom)

Smucker accuses the US attorney in Philadelphia of “retaliation” against the prosecutor in the Hunter Biden case. “Lancaster County Congressman Lloyd Smucker has delivered the latest GOP-led blow to the U.S. Department of Justice. This week, Smucker joined Sen. Tom Cotton in accusing U.S. Attorney Jacqueline Romero of Philadelphia of “misconduct and politically motivated retaliation” against a prosecutor working on the wide-ranging federal investigation into Hunter Biden. (LNP)

The PA House of Representatives’ up-to-date bill seeks to correct errors resulting from employee misclassification. “Under Pennsylvania labor law, workers who provide services to an employer and are subject to the employer’s control and supervision are employees. According to the Internal Revenue Service, independent contractors are self-employed and do not provide services that can be controlled by the employer, such as when and how the work will be performed. (WESA)

The name, existence and role of Northampton County Council’s Election Integrity Committee are in question. Northampton County Council’s election committee is not needed, council member Jeff Warren said Tuesday. The job could have been done by the Council’s Governance Committee, Warren said, adding that the name itself was a misnomer. (WFMZ)


4. What do you mean

  • Misdemeanor Pardons Marijuana possession is an crucial remedy in the sham war on drugs. (Questioner from Philadelphia)
  • Lack of integrity continues to surround Mar PA’s opioid billing expenses. (Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper)
  • The City of Pittsburgh must make its budget truly public. (Jacek Ochs)
  • Pre- canvassing will ensure early election results. (John Sigle)
  • Juneteenth represents the best of our country. (Beth Ann Rosica)
  • Trump’s political theater delights his fans and motivates Democrats to vote. (Jeff Robertson)
1 Moon thing

5. Man on the Moon

Apollo 11 astronauts: Moon landing mission sent Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins - three

Fifty-five years ago today, the Eagle lunar module landed on the Sea of ​​Tranquility, becoming the first manned spacecraft to land on the lunar surface. On the Apollo 11 mission, the crew consisted of three astronauts – Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin AND Michael Collins – all aged 39.

The historic landing came less than seven years after the so-called Moon speech President John F. Kennedywhen he promised, “We will send a giant rocket over 300 feet high to the Moon, 200,000 miles away, on an untried mission to an unknown celestial body, and then bring it safely back to Earth.

“But why, as some say, the Moon? Why did we choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why fly over the Atlantic 35 years ago? We decide on the Moon. We decided to go to the moon this decade and do other things not because they are straightforward, but because they are difficult.”

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