It’s early morning on Wednesday, November 4, and the entire political world is trying to understand how Donald Trump became the first single-term president in more than a quarter-century.
If such a scenario comes true, Trump’s fate could be sealed on January 29 Trump signed USMCAan updated trade agreement with Mexico and Canada also known as NAFTA 2.0. The deal fulfilled the president’s deep desire to achieve an achievement that he could praise supporters with all his famously fantastic flourishes.
“USMCA is the largest, fairest, most balanced and modern trade agreement ever concluded” – – he assured. “There has never been anything like this.”
Trump passionate invective against trade agreements helped him break it the legendary blue wall and upend the Rust Belt in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. That’s why it’s so surprising that he was outflanked on this issue in 2020.
Maybe it was just a gamble. After all, only one candidate in the Democratic primary could have used it. Unfortunately for Trump, this candidate he just won New Hampshire.
USA Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., as he would surely tell youhas been a proud opponent of controversial trade deals for decades. Moreover, his 30 years in Congress are ample proof of his good faith.
Original OIL? I voted against. Permanent business relations with China? I voted against. CAFTA? I voted against this too. And just as a member of the House. When Sanders got to the Senate in 2006 fought against the Trans-Pacific Partnership AND series Obama administration trade agreements.
Suffice it to say that Sanders was also one of 10 senators and the only Democratic presidential candidate, vote no on USMCA.
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Sanders is also ready to make it a central issue in the general election showdown. When it seemed that the Vermonter’s main rival for the Democratic nomination would be former Vice President Joe Biden (so much can change so quickly, right?) presented his justification.
“Joe Biden voted for disastrous trade deals like NAFTA and a permanent normal trade relationship with China that have cost us millions of jobs.” Sanders told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in January. “Do you think this will play well in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania?”
Of the three, Pennsylvania will likely be the hardest state to appeal to Bernie because he won the 2016 primary in Michigan AND Wisconsin Already lost PA by 12 points.
According to exit pollshowever, Sanders finished just 2 points behind among those who believed that “trade with other countries takes away U.S. jobs.”
In addition, general election exit polls show that a majority of Pennsylvania voters believed trade was taking away jobs, and favored Trump over Clinton by a 64–32% margin.
Keep in mind that the combined advantage in these three states was only 77,744 votes (Pennsylvania: 44292; Wisconsin: 22748;Michigan:10704). The most crucial changes came in places With significant numbers of Obama and Trump voters, such as Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Erie.
One person aware of this energetic is U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., who was the only Republican senator you can vote against USMCA.
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Toomey, political survival experthe argued that this was insufficient on free market principles and Wall Street Journal ed. Those objections didn’t stop any of his 52 other GOP colleagues. Toomey must have realized that any trade deal would be particularly fraught in the Keystone State and that the safe and sound bet was to not give a potential 2022 opening to any rival.
In such a polarized world, trade exists perhaps the most fluid political issue current. A Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday showed Trump within the margin of error, with an approval rating of 47% to 49%. when it comes to dealing with commercial matters.
US Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, another candidate for the 2020 elections, he fought challenging against TPP But work was encouraging Down support USMCA. Meanwhile, unsuccessful Democratic candidates who have recently been rejected by the electorate, such as American Sen. Cory Booker, D.N.J.; Kirsten Gillibrand, DN.Y. and Kamala Harris, D-Calif., voted no.
Taken together, this evidence suggests that the anti-trade Democratic candidate was neglected this year. This is an opportunity that Bernie Sanders is uniquely suited to, and one that may just bring him to the end.
Bucks County’s Nick Field is a Capital-Star correspondent. His works appear frequently.