Currently, the Pennsylvania State House is 102-101 in favor of Democrats. Could the chamber change its mind in favor of Republicans on Tuesday?
Here’s an overview of the races we’re watching in the lower chamber.
HD-18. Kathleen Tomlinson* (R) vs. Anand Patel (D)
Tomlinson (R-Bucks) is looking for his third term in Harrisburg Patelbusiness owner, wants to win a seat that has been represented by Republicans since the 1970s. The Bensalem district is a +4 Republican area, and Tomlinson won by four points in 2022 (WHY)
HD-28. Bill Petulli (D) vs. Jeremy Shaffer (R)
Beneficiary Rob Mercury he steps down to run for Congress, putting a wealthy Allegheny County district up for grabs. It has long been a Republican stronghold, with the GOP having a +10 registration advantage. Shafferwho ran unsuccessfully for Congress last year for the Republican Party, is a software engineer and entrepreneur who worked for the Ross Township government. pancakesfirst-time Democratic candidate, is a criminal prosecutor and chief deputy prosecutor in the Allegheny County Attorney’s Office. (THAT’S ALL)
HD-29. Tim Brennan* (D) vs. Steven’s mechanic (R)
Brennan (D-Bucks) is seeking re-election in this Bucks County district and won the seat in 2022 by a 15-point margin. MechanicBuckingham Township auditor and CEO of Visiting Angels, hopes to turn the D+3 deficit into a Republican victory.
HD-30. Arvind Venkat* (D) vs. Nathan Wolfe (R)
Venkat won a seat in the House of Representatives by 10 points in 2022 in the D+2 district. (THAT’S ALL)
HD-39. Andrzej Kuźma* (R) vs. Angela Girol (D)
Kuzma (R-Allegheny/Washington) is running for re-election in the R+3 district. She challenges him Girolformer teacher and school board member in the South Park School District. (THAT’S ALL)
HD-41. Brett Miller* (R) vs. Brad Chambers (D)
More money than expected has flowed into the Lancaster County race. Miller (R-Lancaster) came to Harrisburg in 2014, but faces a significant challenge Officework administrator. Together, the two raised over $250,000. (LNP | Lancaster on the Internet)
HD-44. Valeria Gaydos* (R) vs. Hadley Haas (D)
This seat in the 44th district may prove to be the key to further development of the majority in the House. gayswho has held this position for three terms, promotes herself as an independent and enterprising Republican. Haasmarketing/communications specialist, out-funded her opponent, no effortless feat given Gaydos’ position. (THAT’S ALL)
HD-72. Frank Burns* (D) vs. Amy Bradley (R)
State representative for eight terms Burns may face the toughest challenge of his career at Bradley. Burns won in a Republican-majority district and was portrayed negatively Bradleypresident and CEO of the Cambria Regional Chamber. The main factor in the race was Donald Trump and Project 2025. (Tribune-Democrat)
HD-119. Alec Ryncavag* (R) vs. Megan Kocher (D)
Ryncavage (Luzerne) is seeking his second term in Harrisburg and is trying to fix a misspelling of his name on the first batch of Luzerne County absentee ballots. Kocher hopes to turn the D+3 district into a Democratic ticket flip. (Leader of the Times)
HD-120. Brenda Pugh (R) vs. Fern has learned (D)
Pfftbusiness owner and president of the Luzerne County Fair, is struggling with this problem Scholara long-time health care activist, in the competition to replace the vacant seat Aaron Kaufer. In 2022, in this R+3 district, Kaufer beat Leard by 22 points. (Leader of the Times)
HD-137. Joe Emrick* (R) vs. Anna Tomasz (D)
Emrick seeks his eighth term in Harrisburg against a familiar opponent in Thomas. In 2002, former teacher Emrick defeated Thomas by just 703 votes. Thomasmember of the Bethlehem Planning Commission, hopes to flip the D+2 district seat and assist PA Democrats maintain their majority. (LehighValleyNews.com)
HD-142. Joe Hogan* (R) vs. Anne Payne (D)
Hogan (R-Bucks) is seeking re-election in a district he won in 2022 by just 76 votes. Paynesupervisor in Middletown Township, hopes to reverse this R+2 position. (WHY)
HD-144. Brian Munroe* (D) vs. Dan McPhillips (R)
Munroe (D-Bucks), a first-term Democrat, is seeking a second term in Harrisburg. In 2022, in the R+5 district, he defeated the incumbent by 515 votes. McPhillipsBucks County Recorder of Deeds, is well funded by the Commonwealth Leaders Fund. (WHY)
HD-155. DanielleOtten* (D) vs. Rodney Simon II (R)
Otten (D-Chester) scored 14 points in the D+1 district in 2022. Simon, a member of the Downingtown School Board, has a background in carpentry and project management. (daily local)
HD-160. Craig Williams* (R) vs. Elżbieta Moro (D)
Williamswho unsuccessfully ran for the Republican nomination for attorney general, is seeking a third term in Harrisburg. He was one of the impeachment managers against the Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner. Moro is a petite business owner and real estate agent. She had hoped to run for the House of Representatives in 2018, but withdrew after the district was redrawn and was asked to step down. Even though the Republican Party had a +11 registration advantage, Williams won in 2022 by just four points. (WHY)
HD-161. Leanne Krueger* (D) vs. John Mancinelli Jr. (R)
Kruger (D-Delaware), who has represented Delaware County since 2015, is face to face Mancinellia petite business owner and entrepreneur in a district almost split 50-50 and five registered GOP voters. (Delco Times)
HD-172. Sean Dougherty (D) vs. Aiza Gill (R)
Dougherty, son of a PA Supreme Court justice Kevin Doughertyfaces a tough challenge in the form of Republican Gill, president of the Burholme Town Watch and Civic Association. Although it is a D+22 district, Democrats are concerned about the fact that the neighboring district (173) is represented by a Republican and there is also a GOP representative on the City Council. (DV Journal)