Deadline extended to a new property freezing program in Philly in real estate

Low -income house owners in Philadelphia now have until September 30 to sign up for a new real estate tax relief program aimed at preventing families by gentrification.

On Thursday, the City Council approved the law told by members of Jamie Gauthier and Rue Landau, to extend the deadline for submitting applications for the program to freeze property taxes with low income or Litx, from February 28 to the end of September, when other applications for tax programs are also due.

The program, which was created by Gauthier’s author legislation, freezes the amount that people are guilty of real estate taxes in the city, even if their assessments or tax rates boost. To qualify, home owners who are single must earn USD 33,500 or less a year. Marital couples qualify if they earn 41,500 USD or less.

»Read more: Here’s how the owners of house owners in Philadelphia can apply for a program of freezing real estate taxes in the city

Gauthier said that by the end of January only 1,700 people submitted a request, despite the fact that 62,000 house owners qualify for the program, which she described as “a vehicle protecting some of the most sensitive house owners in the city, who are usually black and brown.”

“We have always been a city of home properties, which worked a real socio -economic spectrum,” said Gauthier in a speech in the council. “We have established this program so that we can stop the displacement because it refers to the increase in property taxes.”

The administration of the mayor of Cherlle L. Parker supported the extension. Gauthier’s legislation was possible to create a program by state law, which is the author of the representation of the state of Jared Solomon, the north-eastern democrat Philly Democrat, authorizing local tax freezing programs.

What was the most critical event this week?

Bills, bills, bills: It seems that the council woke up from its legislative sleep.

After weeks of moving at an extremely ponderous pace, on Thursday the council approved a lot of ordinances. The accounts approved on Thursday included hyperlokal matters, such as permission to the pavement cafe to Bake’n Bacon Restaurant in the council of the Squilla South Philly brand from the southern district and Lanes bicycle bicycle bike in the Jeffery “Jay” council of Young Jr. North Philly with North Philly.

They also included $ 91 million budget transfer in an average level, which provides $ 45 million financing to facilitate Philadelphia prepare for 2026, when the city hosts the MLB All-Star game, part of the FIFA and half-floweries World Cup, the official celebration of the 250th birthday of America.

But the return to considering actual accounts did not reduce the appetite of legislators in order to approve numerous resolutions that are commemorative or symbolic statements of the will of the Council.

This week, the Council considered decisions recognizing March as the Irish month of heritage and a month of women’s history. Sláinte, Lasses!


Bearing in mind that [Will] Smith’s early life in Philadelphia played a fundamental role in shaping the value and ethics of work that will determine his career. Growing up in a compact workers community in Western Philadelphia, Smith attended Overbrook High School, where he began to improve his creativity and the spirit of entrepreneurship, features that would later define his extraordinary career in entertainment.

Resolution of the City Council

Fresh praise: This is certainly a round way to say: “In Western Philadelphia he was born and raised …”

On Thursday, the Council approved the resolution of the member of the Curtis Council Jones Jr. A changing block 2000 North 59th Street as Will Smith Way “for honoring your legacy and a lasting influence on the city of Philadelphia, the nation and the world.”

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