Mehmet Oz testifies before the Senate Commission, he does not undertake to oppose

The celebrity Doctor and former candidate for the Senate in Pennsylvania Mehmet Oz today testifies to the Senators Committee, the first step in securing votes to become the head of Medicare centers and Medicaid Services (CMS).

President Donald J. Trump announced Oz as his election in November, but Senate committees planned all interrogations at the office level on Tuesday, ending the trial with confirmation of the secretary of work Lori Chavez-Dederer on Tuesday.

The first two hours of the hearing were largely cordial, because Oz, who spent most of his career on television, gave composed, polished answers to how he runs the agency.

Questions about medicaid cutting

The most popular question from Democrats was whether OZ would protect Medicaid from the cuts they predict, because the congress would find a way to solve the resolution conducted by GOP, which requires $ 880 billion in the federal budget. He found an impartial Congress Budget Office Some of these cuts would inevitably have to come Medicaid.

“Would you agree this morning to oppose all cuts of the Medicaid program? Yes or not? “Sleep. Ron Przednej, D., wa.) He asked at the beginning of the trial.

“I want to make sure that patients have resources in the future to protect them. The way you protect Medicaid is to make sure it is profitable at every level – said Oz.

»Read more: Trump’s nomination made Mehmet Oz back in the spotlight – and on the right track to supervise healthcare for over 160 million Americans

Later Senator Maggie Hassan (D., Ri) asked Oz: “How many children losing health insurance would be acceptable?”

“I don’t want children to lose health insurance,” said Oz.

“Well, then you will have to reject the republican budget plan,” said Hassan.

In the introduction Oz, whose wife Lisa Lemola Oz and children sat behind him, advertised their work as a cardiologist, developing medical devices and his 11 emmy on Dr. Oz show. He said that he wanted to deal with growing health care expenses and noticed that Medicaid is the greatest expense in most states.

He assigns these increases in chronic illness and noticed that the nation has an obesity indicator nine times higher than Japan and one of the worst mothers mortality rates in the world.

“These chronic diseases have facilitated the disease in America,” he said.

OZ is nominated for running an agency that supervises the coordination and implementation of the main healthcare programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (ChIP) and the Act on inexpensive care. To sum up, CMS supervises health insurance for almost half of all Americans and a budget of around USD 1.5 trillion per year.

His interrogation, which began around 10:30, in an office building adjacent to the Capitol, falls at a particularly intense moment in Washington, like Congress until midnight on Friday, to adopt a budget to finance government and avoid partial closure.

During the first hours of the trial, OZ was also asked about the nursing deficiency of the nation and its support for the private Medicare Advantage program. During the question line about supplements he promoted on his television program, he admitted that someone was falsely sold.

“In 2012, you enthusiastically recommended several slimming supplements on a television program, including a substance called Green Coffee Extract, which, as we know, was dishonestly sold,” said Hassan. “Can you confirm that it was dishonest sold, and green coffee extract is not a wonderful drug for slimming?”

“Yes,” said Oz.

Each of the nominated Trump, who went to the interrogation, was confirmed in the Senate, which has a six -leaf republican majority. Oz, a cardiologist and former host Talk -Show during the day, will probably also clean this process, but not earlier before asking difficult questions from Democrats from the Senate Financial Committee on Friday.

»Read more: These are some of the questions of Mehmet Oz, nominated for Trump for conducting Medicare and Medicaid, will probably face

Democrats signaled letters sent to OZ that they would ask about his significant financial connections with the healthcare industry and shares in companies that directly engage in programs that he would conduct, as well as about earlier comments about the abortion and privatization of Medicare.

Oz, a Republican, conducted a failed campaign for the Senate in 2022 against now. John Fetterman (D., Pa.) His residence became the main topic of the campaign, given that he moved from New Jersey to apply for a place. Oz is still the owner of the House in Bryn Athyn, in which his wife has a family and a large company of cutting trees, Asplundh Tree Expert LLC.

Voting documents also show that Oz voted in Montgomery in the presidential election last year.

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